Our advisors are always available to answer your questions and ensure you have a smooth transition to the university.
Before you start the steps below, contact your local personal advisor. Simply select your region of the world below, and send your advisor an email, Skype, WhatsApp, or WeChat message. We look forward to meeting you very soon!
Latin America
Middle East
North America
North Asia
Russia/Central Asia/Eastern Europe
South Asia
Southeast Asia
UK and Western Europe

Chau Luu (Vietnam)
+84 962 442 193
Whatsapp: +84 962 442 193
Skype: live:chau.luuquynh
Email Chau Luu

Ngoc Hoang (Vietnam)
+84 382 027 922
Whatsapp: +84 382 027 922
Skype: live:bichngoc.ufm
Email Ngoc Hoang

Sakshi Bhatia (India)
Whatsapp: +91-995-351-0160
Skype: arorasakshi187
Email Sakshi Bhatia

Shraddha Divekar
Whatsapp: +91-8484039177

Sweta Gharat
Whatsapp: +91-9137133683

Review your conditional offer letter and make sure that you have submitted all documents listed as missing.
Once all your documents are submitted, please submit your I-20 Request Form along with your financial statements as outlined in the Certificate of Finances.
After you receive your I-20, complete the following steps before booking your visa appointment:
- Schedule a free visa information and preparation session with your personal Enrollment Advisor.
- Check that the details on your I-20 are correct (including your date of birth) and make sure your name is the same as it appears on your passport.
- Prepare the documents you will need to take to the embassy when attending your visa interview.
After you complete the above steps, you should apply for your visa as soon as possible. It requires an interview with the U.S. Embassy and can sometimes take several weeks to schedule.
- Complete your Visa Application.
- Pay your I-901 (SEVIS) fee.
- Visit usembassy.gov to learn more about scheduling your visa appointment, what to expect when you arrive, and required documentation.
- Notify your personal Enrollment Advisor of the date and embassy of your visa appointment.
- Watch these videos to help you apply for your visa and prepare for your interview:
How to Apply for Your F-1 Student Visa
Other links that international students find useful:
Pay in full two weeks before you arrive to avoid enrollment delays.
Submit payment for your tuition and fees via Flywire:
- Flywire by Peer Transfer: To submit international and domestic ACH payments via Nevada Global’s Flywire portal:
- Flywire payment options include international wires, international credit cards, and other country specific payment options.
- Flywire guarantees the best exchange rates, offers 24/7 multilingual customer service, and provides payment tracking and an instant payment receipt.
- Flywire will be accepting U.S. bank accounts.
We are so excited for you to join us on campus!
When purchasing your ticket, plan to arrive on or before your scheduled move-in day.
To ensure a smooth transition to your new home, plan to arrive on or before your official move-in day. Airport pickup is available at Reno-Tahoe International Airport. if you’re arriving before the move-in date, please notify the Nevada Housing Office if you’re living on campus and the Nevada Global Office for airport pick-up.
Once you book your flights, you must fill out the student arrival form.
Move-In Dates
For all application and payment deadlines as well as move-in and program start dates, please visit the Important Dates page.
We are looking forward to meeting you in person!
Choosing where to live while studying for your degree is important – and indicating your accommodations preferences early is a required step in the enrollment process. Complete this Housing Preference Form regardless of living on campus or off campus. Students under 18 are required to stay on campus housing.
- If you are living on campus, complete housing and meal options. After you complete your housing preference form, access the housing application by going to the housing portal: https://unr.starrezhousing.com/StarRezPortalX. To sign-in you should go to “Student Login” and follow the directions on the page.
- Do not start your StarReZ housing application until you have activated your university accounts, accepted your admission in MyNevada and completed your Housing preference application. Please wait 2-3 business days after these steps to start your housing application.
- If you already have a NetID and password with the university, you can select the option from the dropdown.
- This will reroute you to the SSO sign-in. This is the same NetID and password you would have set up with the university
- If you do not have a NetID and password for the university you can create a temporary password using you NSHE ID.
- This will send a link to the email address that is associated with the NSHE and student account.
- If you are living off-campus, please contact your Student Success Coordinator with your off-campus address information.
To set up your MyNevada account, please review information in RED below in your acceptance letter to create your MyNevada account. After accessing your MyNevada account, please review your ToDo list and submit the required documentation to complete the steps. Mostly Importantly- ACCEPT YOUR ADMISSION TO THE UNIVERSITY!

To set up your NETID, first you will need to accept your admission on the MyNevada and wait for 24 hours before you can activate your netid. then follow the instructions and steps here. Your NetID is the username and password you will use to access most computing resources at the University. For example, after activating your NetID, you will be able to access:
- University Computers
- WebCampus
- Library Databases and Journals
- and much more…

After you have activated your university accounts and accepted the admission to the university, go to this page, log into the ISSS portal using your NetID.

Once you are in the portal, you will be able to get to the i20 under section ‘Documents’.

Students are required to provide the official immunization documentation listed below. You must submit the completed Immunization and Physical Evaluation Clearance Form to studentservices@nevadaglobal.org BEFORE arrival.
Immunization List
- Two doses of measles, mumps and rubella (MMR). If you were born before 1957, you are exempt from the MMR requirement.
- An immunization within the last 10 years for Tetanus/Diphtheria (Td/Tdap).
- If under the age of 23, a quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4) on or after your 16th birthday.
- Acceptable versions: Menactra, Menveo, or MCV4.
- Non-acceptable versions: Bexsero or Trumenba (MenB) or HIB Meningitis.
- Tuberculosis (TB) Blood Test result / QuantiFERON. This test must be completed no more than six months prior to entering the United States.
Complete your Mandatory Pre-enrollment training (MPET). Login using your NETID. Follow steps to complete MPET on the NEVADA site BEFORE arrival.

All undergraduate students are required to take the online math and English placement test. We recommend doing the math placement test before arrival.
Follow the instructions on creating your ALEKS account and completing the test math placement test.
To complete the Bridge English Placement test, please send an email with your NSHE ID number, noting that you want to register for the Bridge Test in the Subject line, to writing_speaking_center@unr.edu. There is no charge for the test.
You will be sent an invitation to the Bridge Test WebCampus/Canvas course. Please accept the invitation and then you can take the test. We recommend taking this test on a desktop or laptop computer with a stable internet connection. Taking this test on a smart phone is not recommended.
The step is only for First Time Freshman beginning in the Fall Semester. Deadline to complete Advance Registration is June 15th
After you’ve accepted admission and activated your MyNEVADA, you need to complete your Advanced Registration in this questionnaire.
Completed Math and English placement tests are required for registration. You will not be enrolled in courses until this step is complete. You can meet the requirement by Completing the Math and English Bridge Placement Test.
Official Transcripts
All incoming Nevada Global students are required to submit official transcripts in-person, electronically, or by physical mail prior to or upon arrival to campus. If your transcript is not issued in English, you will need to bring an official English translation.
in person (2x):
Bring transcripts to on-campus orientation. Make sure they are sealed in an envelope with a school stamp.
By Mail/Email:
Transcripts are considered official if they are received via regular mail/post in a sealed envelope, emailed to OISS@unr.edu directly from a school official as a password-protected attachment with the password sent in a separate email, or faxed to 1 (775) 327-5845 directly from the school with a cover letter on the school’s letterhead.
Transcripts sent by mail should be addressed to:
OISS Admissions Team
University of Nevada, Reno
1664 N. Virginia Street M/S 074
Reno, Nevada 89557 USA
- If your school uses the following electronic transcript services they will be considered official:
- Credentials Solutions
- National Student Clearing House
- eScrip-Safe
- Scoir
Note: If your transcript does not list the date of graduation, please also bring proof of graduation from your secondary or postsecondary institution, such as a graduation certificate.
There are many things to consider when preparing for university, let alone moving to a new country! To make your transition to the US easier, we’ve put together a list of everyday necessities.
We’ve partnered with campusSIMS to help connect you with mobile phone service. Get your US phone number in your home country and have service that’s ready to use as soon as you land. Order a free SIM card.
campusSIMS helps international students get connected with mobile phone service in the US. Through campusSIMS’ exclusive partner Mint Mobile, students can sign up and get their US phone number while in their home country, and have mobile phone service ready to use as soon as they land.
Students can get low-cost, reliable mobile phone service starting at as low as $15 per month that includes:
- A free SIM card
- Unlimited talk and text
- High speed data
- Nationwide coverage on the fastest, most advanced network
For more information, visit campussims.com.
International Student Loans
Embarking on your educational journey in the United States shouldn’t come with the roadblock of finding a co-signer for financial aid. Shorelight recognizes this hurdle and has proactively partnered with premier financing organizations such as MPower Financing, and Prodigy Finance. This strategic collaboration eliminates the traditional barriers international students face, such as the need for a co-signer, collateral, or an established US credit history, streamlining your path to securing educational funding.
Find the right loan organization for you on Shorelight.com.
Center for Academic Success
A website with access to virtual tutors, career advisors, and online resources to help you throughout your university studies
Getting ready to study abroad can be challenging! Would you like some help with that? Shorelight’s Center for Academic Success (CAS) has many free resources for you! For example, you can watch a quick webinar on Culture Shock and Mental Health, or take a short eLearning course on Obtaining Your Visa, Understanding Health Insurance, Major & Career Exploration, and so much more.
If you wish you could just ask a real person a question, you can also use the Live Chat button to reach one of our highly-trained support staff, or you can schedule a Zoom session with one of our friendly Student Success Coaches, Professional Tutors, or Career Services staff—all of whom are experts at helping international students with anything from pre-arrival support and campus life to academic subject areas and career guidance.
Don’t wait to activate your free account at CAS—you are eligible as soon as you pay your university deposit.

How to register:
- Click here or scan the QR code to find our Home page.
- Click the orange “Sign up now” button to request access.
- On the signup form, type your given name and family name as you are registered at your university.
- Type any email address that your university has on file for you (it can be a personal or university email).
- Create a password with at least one special character and 6-50 characters total.
- Type your password again. Write it down or save it in your browser.
- Type the full name of your university, not the abbreviation. Your status must be checked.
- Check the first box to accept the Terms & Conditions (feel free to read those first).
- Check the last box if you wish to receive emails from us.
- Click the large orange button that says, “Start your learning journey.”
After you register:
- After self-registering, you’ll receive an email within two business days to let you know that your account is approved (or if not, how to fix the problem). Just follow the link to log in!
- Check your spam folder if you don’t see our email within two days—or just return to the Home page linked above to try logging in with your email and password. If you encounter any trouble, just use the Live Chat button at the bottom of our Home page.
If you were pre-registered:
- Some students may be admin-registered at the request of their university to save you the trouble of signing up.
- If you get an email from Shorelight’s Center for Academic Success saying that your account has been created, just follow the link to complete your registration. You only need to create your password and check the boxes (Steps 5-10 above).
- If you are told that you were admin-registered, but you can’t find our welcome email, just go to our Home page, click “Sign up now” and complete Steps 3-10. If you can’t guess the right email or how your name was entered, use our LiveChat to get help.